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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *=il-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to wake up
Chamalal: =il-
Tindi: =ill-
Protoform: *=[i]q- / *qV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to suck 2 to drink 3 to gulp
Avar: χú- 3, χáχ- 1
Chadakolob: ħáħ- 1; χu- 2
Akhvakh: =aq- 1
Chamalal: χed- 2
Tindi: χa- 3
Karata: k-eχ- 1
Botlikh: χ:u-d- 2
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tl. -aχ-, Ratl. -aq-.

    The reconstruction is not secure - obviously because of the expressive nature of the root. It occurs either in a simple form (stem 1: *-Vq-, stem 2: *qV-), reduplicated (Av. χaχ-) or with a suffixed *-d- (Cham., Tind., Botl.). Av. and Botl. have irregular consonants (in Av. - χ instead of h /Gudava 147 writes: χ:u-j-ze ?/; in Botl. χ: instead of χ; cf. also Cham. Gig. χ:u-d- ).

Protoform: *=iq:-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to take away, take out 2 to pull,drag 3 to bring
Avar: =aq:- 1
Chadakolob: =aq:- 1
Andian language: =iq:- 3
Akhvakh: =eq:- 1
Chamalal: =eq:- 2
Tindi: =eq:- 2
Karata: =oq:- 1
Comments: Most Andian languages, as well as Avar, reflect stem I *=iq:- (Av. =aq:-); the -o-vocalism in Kar. (cf. also Tok. =uq:-) is not quite clear. Stem II *q:u-r- (with an -r-suffix) is reflected in And. q:ur-d- 'to pull, drag'; cf. also Cham. q:o-d-, Gig. q:u-r- id. There are also some reduplicated forms: Av. =aq:=áq:-, =aq:árq:- 'to take off, take apart', Chad. =aqaqn- 'to pull, drag', Kar. =erq:eq:- (Tok. =eq:irq:-) id.

    In Andian there is an opposition between =iq:- 'to bring' and =eq:- 'to reach' (*'to be brought'); this is probably a splitting of a single original paradigm.

Protoform: *=iq:Vn- / *q:in-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to break, be broken
Chadakolob: =iqn-
Andian language: =iq:in-
Chamalal: =aq:n-
Tindi: q:in-
Karata: q:in- (Tok.)
Comments: A typical alternation of stems I (*=iq:Vn-) and II (*q:in-); in Cham. cf. also q:in- ( = =aq:n-) 'to break' (q:in- is transitive, =aq:n- can be both transitive and intransitive). The root should be kept apart from PA *=iq:ʷ- / *q:ʷar- 'to tear off' (q.v.).
Protoform: *=iq:ʷ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to slaughter
Avar: q:ʷé-
Chadakolob: qʷ(el)-
Andian language: =iq:-
Akhvakh: =iq:-ur-
Chamalal: =uq:-
Tindi: =uq:-
Karata: =iq:ʷ-
Botlikh: =eq:-
Bagvalal: =iq:-
Godoberi: =eq:-
Comments: Cf. also Kar. Tok. =eq:ʷ-, Akhv. Tlan., Ratl. =uq:- etc.
Protoform: *=iq:ʷ- / *q:ʷar-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to tear off, break off
Avar: =iq:-
Andian language: q:ab-d-
Akhvakh: q:ʷar-
Chamalal: q:a-d-
Tindi: q:ab-d-
Comments: Stem I is reflected in Avar and in And. r-uq:- 'to skin'; stem II *q:ʷVr-, besides the forms listed above, also in Av. q:ur- 'to pound, crush'. Cf. also Cham. Gig. q:ab- 'to tear off, break off', Tind. (with reduplication) q:abq:- / q:aq:ʷ- id. (like And. q:ab-d-, Tind. q:ab-d-, reflecting a stem *q:ab- ( < *q:ʷa(r)-). The root should be distinguished from a similar root *=iq:Vn- (q.v.) with a nasal conjugation, although they tend to merge (e.g. in Avar dialects). On the other hand, it seems possible to relate here PA *ʔoq:- 'to grind' (as an old Ablaut grade): cf. And. iχʷ-oq:-, Akhv. aq:-, Cham. aq:- (Gig. k-oq:-), Kar. q:or- (Anch. =aq:-). Loss of labialisation may be attributed to early dissimilation after *-o-.
Protoform: *=iqor-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 old (of a person) 2 old (gener.)
Avar: χéra- 2
Chadakolob: =oχór- 2
Andian language: =oχor 1
Akhvakh: =aqaro-ʎa-da- 1
Chamalal: =eχa-ʎidda 1
Tindi: =eχara- 1
Karata: =eχaro- 1
Botlikh: =aχara- 1
Bagvalal: =aharu- 1
Godoberi: =aχar 1
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. =aχara-ʎa-, Ratl. =aqara-ʎa-da-, Cham. Gig. =aχar, Kar. Tok. =iharu-. Irregular is -χ- in Av. Chad. (under literary influence?).
Protoform: *=iqʷ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to die
Avar: χʷe-
Chadakolob: ħʷ(Vl)-
Akhvakh: =uq- (Gudava)
Comments: The Akhv. word (=uq-, Tseg. =uχ-) is attested only in Gudava 1964, 98; since the common verb for "die" in Akhv. is =iƛ̣- q.v., we may assume that the root =uq- has here some specific meaning (most probably - 'to die out (plur.)' which it means in other Dagestan languages).

    Akhv. =uq- reflects PA *=iqʷ- (stem 1), while Av. χʷé- goes back to *qʷV- (stem 2).

Protoform: *=iq̇-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to come 2 to be in time, have time 3 to reach
Avar: réʕ- 2
Andian language: =iG- 1
Akhvakh: =eq̇- 1
Chamalal: =ĩʔ- 1
Tindi: =e- 1
Karata: =aʔ- 3
Comments: The root reflects the PA Ablaut *=iq̇- (/*=aq̇- > Kar. -aʔ-) / *q̇i-r-. The second root variant is reflected in literary Avar (with metathesis) and in Kar. er- 'to reach', Cham. ir- 'to touch'. The form in Cham. reflects a secondary variant with suffixed -n (probably under influence of other verbs of movement), which may be also observed in Akhv. q̇un- 'to reach; to touch' (cf. also an opposition in the Ratl. dialect: =eq̇- 'to come' - =uq̇ũ 'to reach'); And. Gum-, Tind., Cham. un- 'to push'. Finally, And. Gʷob-d- 'to touch' reflects stem II with a -b-suffix (*q̇o-b-).
Protoform: *=iq̇-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to know 2 to hear
Avar: raʕ- 2
Chadakolob: riʔ- 2
Akhvakh: =eq̇- 1
Chamalal: iʔ- 1
Tindi: =ij- 1
Karata: =iʔ- 1
Botlikh: =eʁ- 1
Bagvalal: =ij- 1
Godoberi: =iʔ- 1
Comments: Cf. also Kar. Tok. =iʕ-, Akhv. Tseg., Tl. =aʔ- 'know'. In Av. r- must be a historical prefix. In Av. and Akhv. a nominal derivate from this root means 'smth. heard; word, speech': Av. ráʕi (Chad. ráʕi), Akhv. req̇i.

    An Ablaut variant of the same root may be PA *haq̇(Vn)- 'to see' (if the original meaning is reconstructed as 'to perceive').

Protoform: *=iq̇-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to ripen 2 ripe
Avar: ʕe- 1
Andian language: =iq̇u= 2 (Leksika)
Akhvakh: =iq̇- 1 (Ratl.)
Tindi: =ill- 1, =illu= 2
Karata: =eʔ- 1
Godoberi: =iʔa= 2
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. =iʔ-, Tlan. =iq̇-, Kar. Tok. =iʕ- id. The Tindi form with -ll- probably reflects a suffixed variant *=iq̇-Vl- > *=iʔl- > =ill-. In Avar the root is homonymous with ʕe- 'to be enough, sufficient' - which is a secondary merger (see *=ǝ̆q̇wVn 'to be enough'). The root *=iq̇- 'to ripen' should be also distinguished from *=iq̇- (/*=aq̇-) 'to reach' (see *=arq̇Vr), although their reflexes in Av.-And. are very similar and they certainly had influenced each other.
Protoform: *=iq̇:-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to hide, to conceal 2 to steal
Avar: =iq̇:- 2
Chadakolob: =iq̇- 1,2
Andian language: =eq̇:aš:- 1,2
Chamalal: =eq̇:as:- 1 (Gig.)
Tindi: =aq:aš- 1,2
Karata: =eq̇:eš:- 2
Godoberi: =aq̇:aš:- 2
Comments: All Andian languages reflect a stem *=iq̇:-aš:- with an expressive suffix. The Avar parallel for it (with an irregular correspondence in the suffix) is q̇:osn- 'to get lost, go astray'.
Protoform: *=iq̇:(Vn)-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to divide
Akhvakh: =iq̇:-
Chamalal: =iq̇:-
Tindi: =iq̇:ĩ-
Karata: =eq̇:-
Godoberi: =eq̇:ĩh-
Comments: Besides Tind. and God., nasal conjugation is attested also in Kar. Anch. =ĩq̇:- (n-iq̇:-). There are two derivates from this root: PA *=iq̇:in(V) 'half' ( > Akhv. meq̇:e-da, miq̇:e-s:i, Cham. Gig. beq̇:ina, Tind. beq̇:ana-s:a, Kar. req̇:en-ʎer, req̇:ema, Anch. niq̇:o) and *r=iq̇:irV 'part', reflected in Akhv. req̇:er, Ratl. riq̇:eri ( = PN *d=āq̇a).
Protoform: *=iq̇:ʷV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dry
Avar: =aq̇:ʷarab
Chadakolob: =uq̇ara-b
Andian language: =eq̇:u-b
Akhvakh: =uq̇:ada
Chamalal: =eq̇:u-b
Tindi: =eq̇:u-b
Karata: =eq̇:u-b
Godoberi: =eq̇:uq̇:i-b
Comments: The word for 'dry' is a participle of the verbal root *=iq̇:ʷV- "to dry (up)", cf. Av. =aq̇:ʷá-, Akhv. =uq̇:o-, Kar. =eq̇:ʷa-, Botl. =eq̇:ʷ-, Tind. =eq̇:ʷ-, =eq̇:uq̇:-, God. =eq̇:uq̇:-, Cham. =eq̇:uq̇:- (the last three forms are reduplicated).
Protoform: *=iq̇:ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: back
Akhvakh: r-aq̇:ʷa-ƛ:i
Chamalal: b-eq̇:u-ƛ:
Bagvalal: r-eq̇:e-ʎ:
Comments: r- and b- are old class prefixes. The word is normally attested in a locative form ("on the back"). A prefixless form is possibly Cham. Gig. q̇:oj 'back'.
Protoform: *=iq̇:ʷV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: thick (of liquids)
Avar: =aq̇:ʷá (adv.)
Andian language: =eq̇:u-
Akhvakh: =eq̇:ʷa-da
Chamalal: =eq̇:u-
Tindi: =eq̇:u-
Godoberi: =eq̇:u-
Comments: In Av.-And. the root is homonymous with *=iq̇:ʷV- 'to dry, dry'. There are, however, minor differences: Akhv. =uq̇:a-da 'dry' vs. =eq̇:ʷa-da 'thick'; Cham. q̇:ʷā- 'thick' (coexisting with =eq̇:u- 'thick, dry' and reflecting stem II *q̇:ʷV-). Historically they are different, and their merger in PA is explained by the merger of *ä̆ and *ĭ.
Protoform: *=[i]q̇:ʷV(n)-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 be closed,shut;compress 2 to close 3 close eyes
Avar: q̇:á- 1
Chadakolob: q̇á- 1
Andian language: joq̇:an- 2
Akhvakh: eq̇:- 2
Tindi: =aq̇:ʷĩ- 1,2
Karata: q̇:ijã- 3
Comments: Stem I, besides the cited forms, is reflected in Av. =uq̇:- 'to shrink, be compressed', req̇:é- 'to be adjusted, fit' ( = Av. Chad. req̇é(l)- 'to be closed, close'), And. =uq̇:- (*'to compel' >) 'to drive, urge, expel'; with the nasal conjugation - in Akhv. =uq̇:un- 'to close eyes', Kar. ruq̇:an- 'to close, compress'. Stem II *q̇:(ʷ)in-, besides, the Kar. form q̇:ijã-, is reflected in And. q̇:in- 'to be stuck; to press, compress', Akhv. q̇:in- 'to press, squeeze' (also reduplicated: q̇:iq̇:in-). We should also mention a nasalless stem II *q̇:ʷa-b- ( ~ -o-) 'to wink, blink' (*'close eyes') > Cham. q̇:ab-, Kar. q̇:ʷab-, and a reduplicated stem > Av. q̇:aq̇:á- 'to exert pressure; to rumple", Akhv. Tseg. m-aq̇:ajq̇:ʷ-, Tlan. m-aq̇:oq̇:eji- 'to drive, expel'. Av. q̇:aq̇:á- > Bezht. Khosh. q̇aq̇azi =owal 'to press, compress'.

    The phonetic and semantic range of Av.-And. forms here is extremely wide, and one can suspect that we deal here not with one, but with two or several original roots; they are, however, so intertwined that it seems almost impossible to distinguish them at this point.

Protoform: *=iq̇:ʷ(Vn)/*q̇:(ʷ)in-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to sew
Avar: =uq̇:-
Akhvakh: q̇:in-
Tindi: q̇:in-
Karata: q̇:ijan-
Comments: Av. =uq̇:- reflects stem I (although loss of the -n-conjugation is not quite clear), Andian forms - stem II.
Protoform: *=iq̇ʷ- / *q̇(ʷ)ar-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to break (trans.) 2 to break, split (intr.)
Andian language: Gar-d- 2
Akhvakh: =iq̇ʷ- 1
Karata: =iʔʷ- 1
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. =uʔ-, Tlan., Ratl. =uq̇-, Kar. Tok. =uʕ-. Akhv. and Kar. reflect stem I, And. - stem II.
Protoform: *=iq̇ʷVn
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to be sufficient, enough 2 to grow
Avar: ʕé- 1
Akhvakh: =iq̇un- 1,2
Chamalal: =uʔn- 1
Tindi: =ujĩ- 1
Karata: =eʔʷan- 1,2
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tlan. =uq̇in-, Tseg. =aʔ-, Ratl. =uq̇un- 'to grow'. In And. the root can be observed in the suffix -q̇ʷon which denotes "abundance of smth." (cf. the usage of this root as a postposition or postfix in Lezghian languages). The Avar verb also means 'to grow, to ripen'; the meaning 'to grow' in several Av.-And. languages is due to an influence of another verbal root, PA *=iq̇- < PEC *=irq̇wV (q.v.). In Avar the two roots have completely merged (which explains the loss of -n-conjugation).

    The mutual influence of the two roots (further complicated by the presence of still another similar verbal root, *=iq̇- < *=arq̇Vr 'to reach') led to a non-phonetic phenomenon: irregular preservation of *-q̇ʷ- in Proto-Av.-And. *=iq̇ʷVn- (where regularly a shift *-q̇ʷ- > *-ḳ- would be expected).

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